Known as the "Femme Fatale of the Farfisa," Heather was drawn to this eccentric instrument through its usage in vintage garage bands like The Druids, Soft Clock and Cellophane Circus. While growing up in Denver, Co., Heather's first band, Corduroy Butt-Valve, played only one show for some fortunate neighborhood kids, leading to the creation of The Tarmints with her brother, Kurt.
Heather attributes her musical beginnings to her brother, who took her to shows, got her the Farfisa, (who's previous owner was actually in both The Druids and Soft Clock) and for occasionally featuring her in his band Twice-Wilted. Tired of Birkenstocks and Patchuli, she moved to California with her husband Mike, whose band The Christines features Heather on a Vox Super Continental organ. She saw an ad in the San Francisco Guardian for a "female Vox/Farfisa player wanted" and became a gal of Poontwang, blaring the Farfisa tone that's her own. Oh yeah, dont fuck with her! |